Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World

Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World

紐約客雜誌 New Yorker 的報導裡,稱所謂「悼念天氣(Climate Memoirs)」種類的書籍越來越多,像是 Daniel Sherrell 所著「溫暖:世界末日到來的象徵(暫譯)Warmth: Coming of Age at the End of Our World」,將自身內省的思考融合知識,成為一種新的天氣認識論。


One by one we get up to speak, talking honestly about our fear . . . One or two of us tear up and the tears are real, embarrassing though we will them not to be. But still it feels like we are staging a play, something we’ve rehearsed at length and are now acting out for an audience of reporters and security personnel.


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